History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The Myth of the Spat-Upon Soldier

Growing up in the late twentieth-century United States I, like many others, was taught that protestors against the Vietnam war spat on American soldiers when they returned home from the war. When I got older and studied history more thoroughly I discovered that I had been taught a myth. That spitting did not happen.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The CNT and Voting

The CNT typically discouraged its members from voting, or simply ignored elections, and did not participate inside the Spanish political system. During the Spanish Civil War it compromised its principles, and the results were disastrous.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

Towards a Global History of the Early IWW

Understanding the history of the Industrial Workers of the World requires taking a global view. The common approach of looking only at the union’s US history, or looking at it only in one country, is inadequate and obscures transnational patterns.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The Collapse of the Knights of Labor

The Knights of Labor grew to become the largest nineteenth-century labor union in the US after winning a major railroad strike in 1885. It then collapsed due to intense, sometimes violent, opposition from employers and the state.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

Three Conservative Locals

A history of three union locals in early 1900s Montana. The divergent evolution of each local is explained by class struggle, ethnic strife, and conflicts within the capitalist class.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The Liberal Holocaust

Imperialism and the U.S. Democratic party. Despite their sometimes dovish rhetoric, the democratic party has a long and bloody history of imperialism & mass murder.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

Paris Commune: Myth vs. Reality

In 1871 citizens in Paris revolted and set up a rebel government. Although it had a radical fringe, this Paris Commune was merely a left-Republican uprising and was no where near as radical as is commonly portrayed.

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