History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The Collapse of the Knights of Labor

The Knights of Labor grew to become the largest nineteenth-century labor union in the US after winning a major railroad strike in 1885. It then collapsed due to intense, sometimes violent, opposition from employers and the state.

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Books Class Struggle Anarchist Books Class Struggle Anarchist

Eugene Genovese on Slavery

Eugene Genovese argues that slaves as a social class laid the foundation for black national culture while enriching US culture. Slave rebellions prior to the late 1700s largely did not seek to do away with the entire slave system, but later slave rebellions were revolutionary attempts to topple slavery.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

The Lynching of Ward Churchill

The furor surrounding Professor Ward Churchill and his criticisms of US foreign policy are premised on racism. Churchill's criticisms are basically right and he should not be fired.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

Three Conservative Locals

A history of three union locals in early 1900s Montana. The divergent evolution of each local is explained by class struggle, ethnic strife, and conflicts within the capitalist class.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Elections are a Scam

Who wins elections makes no difference because all politicians must do what the elite want.  Elections are a scam whose function is to neutralize resistance movements and deceive ordinary citizens into thinking they control the state.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Double Standards

Bill Clinton’s Presidency gives us an example of what we can expect if the Democrats take power this November: more of the same.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

The Liberal Holocaust

Imperialism and the U.S. Democratic party. Despite their sometimes dovish rhetoric, the democratic party has a long and bloody history of imperialism & mass murder.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

End the Iraq War

The United States does not belong in Iraq and should immediately withdraw.  US intervention in Iraq only brings death & destruction, while perpetuating imperialism and propping up a puppet dictatorship.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Rebuilding Saddam's Dictatorship

The torture of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers, made famous by the 'torturegate' scandal, is not an isolated incidence but part of something larger. The US is rebuilding Saddam's old dictatorship, but with new people (subordinated to Washington) on top.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Ideological Hegemony

Thought control in American society operates through many mechanisms including the media, education system, and language manipulation. Its primary function is to maintain support for the dominant socio-economic system.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Roots of the Empire

Bush claims to be combating terrorism while sponsoring it, launched an imperialist war of aggression against Iraq, and is waging a class war in favor of the rich. It is not merely Bush's whim that brings these policies about, but the way American society is set up.

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