Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Neoliberalism Made the Pandemic Worse

Neoliberalism led governments and business leaders to put profits over people, weakened healthcare systems, made it easier for the virus to spread, established supply chains that are more vulnerable to disruption, and is retarding the global manufacture & distribution of vaccines.

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Basic Principles of Anarchism

Anarchism does not mean chaos, random violence, or total opposition to all organization. It is a philosophy calling for the abolition of hierarchy, an analysis of how hierarchies work, and a vision of a better society.

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Electoralism Doesn’t Work

Even when genuine radicals are elected they are not permitted to carry out their campaign promises but must serve capital. Elections coopt dissident leaders & organizers and divert energy & resources away from direct action into pointless political action.

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Treating the Symptoms, Not the Disease

Minor reforms to the prevailing social structure, even when they make genuine improvements, neglect the underlying root causes of social problems and end up treating the symptoms, not the disease. What is needed are not the minor cosmetic changes liberals propose but a radical restructuring of society.

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U.S. Out of Afghanistan!

The war in Afghanistan is unethical and unjust. It kills thousands of people, is based on faulty logic, and protects an oppressive Afghan government. The United States must withdraw immediately.

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Coke’s International War on Workers

The Coca-Cola Company uses outsourcing to drive wages down, shuts down plants for unionizing, fires (and sometimes murders) workers for joining unions, and pays poverty wages wherever it can get away with it.

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The Nobel Peace Prize is a Joke

The Nobel Peace Prize has repeatedly been awarded to warmongers and imperialists while passing over the likes of Ghandi and Dorothy Day. Giving Barack Obama the prize is only the latest case discrediting it.

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Fighting Back

There is a fundamental conflict of interest between workers and employers. Workers must organize and fight back.

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Why I Am Not Voting

To vote for anyone is to vote for a system in which politicians in Washington, CEOs on Wall Street, and generals in the Pentagon rule.

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Smashing Dissent

Police brutality towards protesters at this year’s Democratic and Republican National Conventions rose to levels not seen at a convention since 1968. The police conducted preemptive raids on activist houses, arrested journalists, attacked demonstrations with explosives, rubber bullets, and a variety of chemical weapons, spied on organizers, and filed “terrorism” charges against dissidents.

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The Lynching of Ward Churchill

The furor surrounding Professor Ward Churchill and his criticisms of US foreign policy are premised on racism. Churchill's criticisms are basically right and he should not be fired.

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Elections are a Scam

Who wins elections makes no difference because all politicians must do what the elite want.  Elections are a scam whose function is to neutralize resistance movements and deceive ordinary citizens into thinking they control the state.

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Double Standards

Bill Clinton’s Presidency gives us an example of what we can expect if the Democrats take power this November: more of the same.

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End the Iraq War

The United States does not belong in Iraq and should immediately withdraw.  US intervention in Iraq only brings death & destruction, while perpetuating imperialism and propping up a puppet dictatorship.

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Rebuilding Saddam's Dictatorship

The torture of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers, made famous by the 'torturegate' scandal, is not an isolated incidence but part of something larger. The US is rebuilding Saddam's old dictatorship, but with new people (subordinated to Washington) on top.

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Ideological Hegemony

Thought control in American society operates through many mechanisms including the media, education system, and language manipulation. Its primary function is to maintain support for the dominant socio-economic system.

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Roots of the Empire

Bush claims to be combating terrorism while sponsoring it, launched an imperialist war of aggression against Iraq, and is waging a class war in favor of the rich. It is not merely Bush's whim that brings these policies about, but the way American society is set up.

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