Books Class Struggle Anarchist Books Class Struggle Anarchist

Eugene Genovese on Slavery

Eugene Genovese argues that slaves as a social class laid the foundation for black national culture while enriching US culture. Slave rebellions prior to the late 1700s largely did not seek to do away with the entire slave system, but later slave rebellions were revolutionary attempts to topple slavery.

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History Class Struggle Anarchist History Class Struggle Anarchist

Paris Commune: Myth vs. Reality

In 1871 citizens in Paris revolted and set up a rebel government. Although it had a radical fringe, this Paris Commune was merely a left-Republican uprising and was no where near as radical as is commonly portrayed.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Authoritarian Socialism: A Geriatric Disorder

Authoritarian socialism inevitably leads to the creation of a new elite which dominates and exploits the proletariat.  If the capitalist class is overthrown but the state is not simultaneously abolished the state will establish itself as a new ruling class.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

On Anarchist Revolution

We build the structure of the new society within the shell of the old. The initial framework of anarchy is created within the old society during the struggle against hierarchy.  Some thoughts on overthrowing the present society and creating an anarchist one.

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