Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Smashing Dissent

Police brutality towards protesters at this year’s Democratic and Republican National Conventions rose to levels not seen at a convention since 1968. The police conducted preemptive raids on activist houses, arrested journalists, attacked demonstrations with explosives, rubber bullets, and a variety of chemical weapons, spied on organizers, and filed “terrorism” charges against dissidents.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Roots of the Empire

Bush claims to be combating terrorism while sponsoring it, launched an imperialist war of aggression against Iraq, and is waging a class war in favor of the rich. It is not merely Bush's whim that brings these policies about, but the way American society is set up.

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Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis Class Struggle Anarchist

Anatomy of the American Empire

The goal of US foreign policy is to impose its authority on the globe and to maintain a neocolonial economic system that benefits the wealthy. The empire treats different regions of the world differently; each has its own role to play.

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